Estonian Greens party / Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised logo design
The current Estonian Greens party (Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised), was founded on 25 November 2006, when the party held its founding general assembly with 361 of the total 1,203 founding members present. The party's programme was ratified and a board of 13 members elected. The party's main programmes were to protect Estonia's forests, sea and other resources; to combat climate change,
and to promote direct democracy.
The Estonian Greens have a democratic parliamentary policy aimed at ensuring that the development of the Republic of Estonia is environmentally friendly, sustainable, politically stable and economically efficient.
The party opposes the excessive centralization of political, administrative and economic power, favoring autonomous decision-making and the importance of citizen participation in decision-making at all levels.
It vigorously supports science: involving researchers in decision-making processes, implementing research results, strengthening health care and guaranteeing public access to health services, a better understanding of educational content and organization, the development of information technologies, making proposed solutions more reliable and humane, and supporting national co-operatives. It intends to encourage innovation in industry and agriculture, and the abandonment of oil shale as fuel (PÕXIT).